Sunday, May 01, 2011

A Slice of Village Life: The Duck Race

Once a year, on a late spring morning, the brook that runs through the little Forest of Dean village of Clearwell is taken over by excited kids in wellies and about 400 yellow plastic ducks...

Heading for the race start

Queuing for our ducks. This is a serious business!
(and a great fundraiser for Clearwell Primary School!)

Checking all ducks are in position...

Some lovely floral tributes to 'Will and Kate'  made by the
primary school kids

Waiting for the first ducks to appear

Here they come...

...and there they go! The race is on!

Gathering at the finishing line

The leaders are in sight!

and the winner is...not my duck :(

Chasing up the stragglers...

No slice of village life would be complete without a lovely rural
livestock scene...

1 comment:

  1. LOL, they used to do that in the village I grew up in too! Wouldn't really work here, most moving water we have is the sea...


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